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The Best Healthy Recipes For Weight Loss And Muscle Gain

The best healthy recipes for weight loss and muscle gain The best healthy recipes for weight loss and muscle gain

The best healthy recipes for weight loss and muscle gain - Foods to build muscle can vary according to the goal. If you want to bulk, cutting, or just maintenance, you need a food with a different percentage of macronutrients. Before please use the daily calorie needs calculator-calculation of our services to find out how the macronutrient percentages needed to achieve the body of your dreams.

In this article we have provided a list of recommendations for healthy food for people of any fitness should be consumed according to the needs of your daily calories along with varying quantities of carbohydrates, proteins, and fats that are needed.

Before and after meals, fitness
Foods to build muscle as a food source before fitness, you need carbohydrates and less fat to increase energy and muscle growth period. And for the food source after the fitness, you need to reduce the carbohydrates and less fat increase on your food.

Some food sources can you consume before exercise fitness:

Carbohydrates: Brown rice, yams, potatoes, wheat, bread, cereals, and oats.
Protein: Milk protein, egg whites, white meat, fish, yogurt.
FAT: only use a little oil on your food.
Fruit/Vegetable: tropical fruits, green vegetables, nuts etc.
Some of the food sources that you can consume after exercise fitness:

Protein: Milk protein, egg whites, white meat, red meat, oily fish or white fish, yogurt, etc.
Fat CARB &: coconut oil (to taste), avocado, mayonaise, cheese, nuts, etc.
Fruit/Vegetables: blueberries, strawberries, apples, green vegetables, etc.

Diet for fitness people
Eat 5-6 times a day: Asupi your body with some small meal and snacks each day to keep the sugar levels in the blood remain controllable and increase metabolism in order to stimulate the production of new muscle.
Cut down on processed foods: processed foods can be a food that has been packaged into boxes and already labeled brands. This is commonly found in food markets.
Drink plenty of water: drink mineral water and some non-calorie drink to keep your body's performance time lifting weights. Avoid drinks containing sugar which will produce the fat in your waist.
The consumption of Many Proteins: protein Consumption every few hours to maximize muscle growth hormone releasing the body as fat burners. The best source of the protein includes lean beef, chicken breast, fish, soy, and whey protein.
Carbohydrates: Carbohydrates strategic consist of two types, namely carbohydrates Simplex with rapid absorption include white rice, bread, pasta, etc. This type of carbohydrates raises blood sugar quickly. And the second is the kind of complex carbohydrates, which includes red rice, potatoes, corn, yams, oatmeal, etc. These types of carbohydrates are higher in fiber and improve blood sugar gradually. Combine these two types of carbohydrate in essence at the right time, for example, white rice before doing fitness, and avocado fruit after fitness.

Diet for fitness beginners
Target: 2,500 calories, 218 g carbohydrates, 218 g protein, 83 g fat

For you who want to stay healthy and have lots of energy, this is the ideal food for you. Relatively low carb, high in protein, rich in antioxidants to improve the health of blood vessels.

Food First Hours 7.00:3 eggs, 1 cup 1/2 cup of yogurt, blueberries, 1/3 plate of oatmeal.
Food 2nd Hour 10.30: high protein Smoothie (milk protein, spade 2 1/4 glass 3/4 glasses of skim milk, berries, 1 teaspoon of cocoa powder, 4 bars, a glass of ice water)
3rd food Hours 13.00: Burgers (2 pieces of cheese, beef 80z, 2 slices of bread, 1 tablespoon of tomato sauce, 1 tablespoon of mayonnaise, 2 pieces of lettuce)

Food 4 Hours 17.00: milk is high in protein (whey). Must contain 50 g of carbohydrates and 25 grams of protein.
Food-to-5 hours 21.00: Shrimp with vegetables and brown rice. Cooked with olive oil.
Diet for skinny people
Target: 3,000 calories, 300 g of carbohydrates, 225 g protein, 100 g fat.

For beginners who want to build muscle, you need food to supplement a high muscle carbo period and also high in protein. But remember, for the skinny does not mean you can eat everything you see. You need to eat foods that are high quality. Need to remember, eating patterns below for those who workout at the fitness day. If you exercise in the morning, you can simply put the food sajian carbo Simplex time before and after exercise.

Food First Hours: 7.00 3 chicken eggs 4 egg whites, 1/2 glass cheese, 2 slices of bread, 1 Apple.
Food 2nd Hour 10.30: high protein Smoothie (milk protein, spade 2 1/4 glass 3/4 glasses of skim milk, berries, 1 teaspoon of cocoa powder, 4 bars, a glass of ice water)
3rd food Hours 13.00: Burgers (2 pieces of cheese, beef 80z, 2 slices of bread, 1 tablespoon of tomato sauce, 1 tablespoon of mayonnaise, 2 pieces of lettuce)
Food 4 Hours 17.00: milk is high in protein (whey). Must contain 50 g of carbohydrates and 25 grams of protein.
Food-to-5 hours 19.00: chicken with vegetables and brown rice.
Food to 22.00 hours-6: a piece of grilled chicken breast, 1 cup broccoli, and 1/4 cup Brown rice.
Diet to lose weight
Target: 2000 calories, 150 g 150 g, carbo protein, 88 g fat

 The best healthy recipes for weight loss and muscle gain

To speed up your weight loss, use a source of complex carbohydrates such as avocados, apples and other fruits. On this diet, you will consume more fat, as well as replace the carbohydrates into fat as the main source of energy for your body. This trick is pretty good because it can burn fat without consuming muscle.

Food First Hours 7.00:3 eggs, 1 sheet cheese, 1 Apple, lettuce.
Food 2nd Hour 10.30: high protein Smoothie (milk protein, spade 2 1/4 glass 3/4 glasses of skim milk, berries, 1 teaspoon of cocoa powder, 4 bars, a glass of ice water)
3rd food Hours 13.00: Steak with avocado and tomatoes (4 0z 1/2 cut of beef, avocado, 1 tomato)
Food 4 Hours 17.00: milk is high in protein (whey). Must contain 50 g of carbohydrates and 25 grams of protein.
Food 5th hour 20.00: chicken with pasta and vegetables (chicken, 1 oz serving of pasta, 2 cup broccoli, 1 tablespoon olive oil)
Foods to build muscle without fat
There are many fat-free muscle-forming foods. Below are some foods to build muscle fat-free that you can consume in order to achieve the muscular body that is fat-free.

Beef: beef is a food to build muscle without fat because of high levels of protein, low cholesterol, contain zinc, vitamin B and meat from cows that ate grass has a high CLA levels can help fat burning and build muscle fat-free.
Red Rice: slow Wheat Cerna which provides you a long-lasting energy for activities throughout the day and during exercise. Brown rice can also help improve the levels of growth hormone (GH) wrote a useful for muscle growth and increase strength.
Orange: Orange is a fruit that very helps in increasing muscle growth, strength, and durability, especially when you consumed before exercise.
Cheese Kottage: rich in protein casein. Suitable for protein source before you sleep because of the sucking power stages.
Egg: egg protein best known as for his ability to get fat-free muscle era. But please remember, avoid consuming egg yolk more than 2 rounds per day.
Organic dairy: whey and casein as well as Contains rich glutamine amino acids. Organic milk contains omega-3 70% more than non-organic milk.

Spinach: one source best, glutamine amino acids used to increase fat-free muscle era. Spinach can also increase muscle endurance.
Apple: the content of polyphenols in Apple can help improve muscle strength and prevent muscle fatigue. It allows you to exercise harder and longer.
It is a full explanation about the food to build muscle you can try it yourself at home. Start your diet for fitness people above as soon it possible to get the body you've always wanted-. When you got new science from this article, don't forget to share with your friends in social media
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