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Healthy Breakfast For Kids Before School

Healthy breakfast for kids before school Healthy breakfast for kids before school

Healthy breakfast for kids before school -  Leaving the breakfast can make a child do not get stamina when the activity in the school. Based on the results of the observation, school-aged children with nutritional status less if no breakfast will take place a decrease in cognitive ability or power catch. "Healthy breakfast at least accounted for 25 percent of nutritional intake. In addition, an average of 50 percent of the children who have a habit of healthy breakfast before leaving for school.The Problem, not always easy to invite children to want breakfast before leaving for school. Lecturer Nutrition Society of the IPB, Dr. Ir. Briawan MCN, Dodik said a healthy breakfast but don't have to. Like what in the morn¬ing meal that is healthy is it?

Dodik says a healthy breakfast consists of food and drinks enough macro and micronutrients. The goal about 15 to 25 percent the number of nutritional adequacies. Dishes must contain enough complex carbohydrates, fiber, and low in fat. "Hor, for example, serve together with water, milk or tea." In setting up a healthy breakfast, preferred the hidangan favored children.

Healthy breakfast for kids before school

Parents should also familiarize yourself breakfast so that her son saw the breakfast as a family culture. They will imitate the almighty God and father. In addition to giving an example, parents also need to increase the awareness of the child. Explain the importance of breakfast. "Let the child choose its own menu," Dodik says.
After sleeping for 8 to 9 hours at night, of course, the body is not getting food intake so that breakfast is very important for the health of the child. Breakfast is beneficial to meet nutrient elements on the body for activity from early morning until lunch arrived. With breakfast, the morning of a child will concentrate more on learning and the body also did not limp because they need the calories would be sure. In addition, the time children are also badly in need of healthy food to its growth.

A lot of the Mother experiencing constraints in preparing morning breakfast hidangan is good for children's health. In addition because of time in setting it up, appearance and taste, as well as its nutrition value, must also meet the nutritional needs of children. The following is the best breakfast hidangan that can make the Mother the guidelines in preparing breakfast hidangan for the fruit of the heart.

1. Cereals
Cereal is healthy food hidangan for a child who easily served at breakfast in the morning. In addition to solid fibers, the energy produced is also quite a lot because cereals are rich in calcium and iron.

2. Eggs
Eggs are healthy foods that can be said quite perfect as a breakfast menu. Eggs rich in omega 3 fatty acids and proteins that are sufficient to meet the nutritional needs of children.

3. Milk
Milk is a drink that is ideal and suitable for consumption as one of the breakfast menus. Milk is rich in calcium, protein is good for the health of the child.

4. Orange Juice
Orange juice is a very nice drink to complement the children's breakfast hidangan because orange is great for digestion.

5. Banana
Bananas are one of the various kinds of fruits containing a lot of energy and are easy to digest and absorbed by the body.

Healthy breakfast for kids before school

The Benefits Of Breakfast For Children
1. Physically and psychology
It has been researched that children who do not have breakfast before going to school have such problems, headaches, drowsiness, abdominal pain, fatigue, Indecision, irritability, anxiety, irritability, less happy, nervous, lethargy, etc. some of the other problems that can be seen on students who skip their breakfast. Physical and psychological problems such as having the ability to inhibit the learning process of the child.

2. Maintaining health
Breakfast for school children will help their learning process as a whole. The flurry of students in the school must not only learn some different subjects but also have to do extracurricular activities and sports. For activities like this, they need the energy that comes from breakfast. In addition, having breakfast regularly will also help manage weight, so that it can reduce the risk of obesity. This is because children who don't tend to choose breakfast snacks in schools, the most instant and not healthy.

3. Improve concentration while studying in schools
Students who are accustomed to eating breakfast has been shown to have better concentration during the following lesson, than students who do not have breakfast. Breakfast is also beneficial to improving the memory of students so that they are able to remember and take the information conveyed in schools quickly and accurately. Even their problem-solving abilities also increase if breakfast regularly.

4. Better test results
Research has shown that there is a link directly between breakfast and the test results. It is seen that students regularly have breakfast get better test scores, than students who do not have breakfast. A healthy breakfast offer ¼ of the necessary nutrients the body needs, so it is possible for children not to eat unhealthy foods. Quite the contrary, kids tend to pick foods that are healthy and nutritious for their future. 

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