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How To Gain Weight Naturally With Healthy Way

 Healthy and has ideal body shape certainly be everyone How to gain weight naturally with healthy way

How to gain weight naturally - Healthy and has ideal body shape certainly be everyone's expectations. Often the intended when it does not have the ideal body shape is the people who have excess body weight. But what about the people who weight less or skinny? According to the study of medicine, adult body size average less than normal, riskier quickly died anyway. Not surprisingly, some people who want to know how do I fatten the body healthy and natural way.

People who lack weight it makes no difference to overweight. Many health problems associated with weight under conditions normal number such as lung disease, cardiovascular disease or heart failure.

Many factors associated why someone has a weight that is less frustrating to find a way to fatten the body. Some of the factors include genetic factors, the less nutrition intake, drug use, smoking, consuming alcohol, and mental health such as anorexia.

some of the risks to be borne by somebody with weight too skinny, among others, as follows:

Broken bones
Fat is needed in the formation of estrogen, the female sex hormones that are useful for maintaining bone health. Makin a little body fat, a bit estrogen also produced so that bones become brittle due to mass a little bit.

Arthritis and disorders of the heart
At the Mayo Clinic research shows, women are too skinny 3 times more susceptible to a heart attack at the age of 42 years of age, the fact that too little in joints trigger arthritis or arthritis, which is a risk factor or atherosclerosis blockage of the blood vessels to the heart.

According to research at the London School of Tropical Medicine, Hygiene & women who are too thin has a 72 percent risk of miscarriage are greater in the first trimester. Too thin is also causing more susceptible women experiencing morning sickness, namely nausea vomiting while pregnant young.

Have a below normal body weight, making the body more easily tired. Declining energy and easily tired this is a common symptom of anemia. Other symptoms include irregular heartbeat, shortness of breath, dizzy, and headaches. A shortage of red blood cells can cause anemia. In addition, anemia can also be caused by iron deficiency, vitamin B-12, and folate.

Sperm quality is reduced
Body mass index is not ideal influenced the composition of the hormones in the body of the man, one, as a result, the production of sperm cells be bothered making it difficult fertilize the egg because the number is reduced.

Lung pain
Chronic lung disease such as asthma, bronchitis and pneumonia more elderly women who attack his weight under average. Too thin to cause women's bodies lack adipokin, a type of cell that is produced in fat to help the body's durability.

Skinny bodies cause factor and hard fat:
After the exposure of any diseases that may be experienced by someone who has less weight, now let us refer to advance the cause of body lean and hard fat.

Stress is one of the causes of a person's hard fat or even more and reduce weight. Most people who experience stress decreases appetite. Of course if the reduced appetite then the intake of a nutrient that is needed would be sure not.

Alcoholic beverages
The content that is in the alcohol is not good for the body. It even makes you increasingly difficult for obese or is contradictory in how fattening body.

Less drinking mineral water
One other cause why someone thin dry or hard fat is not drinking mineral water as needed by the body. Mineral water helps the body's metabolic rate. Increased metabolic rate means a better digestive system.

Nutritional deficiencies
Nutrition is one of the substances needed for the body, therefore it is important for us to meet the needs of nutrients by consuming fruit and vegetable containing a lot of nutrients.

Hereditary factors
In addition to the factors from the outside, there is also the factor of in IE genetic factors. If you are indeed a person who has the skinny body because offspring, do not just resigned to it. Keep try strives to increase Your muscle mass with exercise as one way to fatten the body.

Once you know the disease which would be experienced by skinny people and what are the causes of a person has less weight and hard fat, it's high time we advanced on how to fatten the powerful body in no time
thinness and obesity both have the same potential health hazards. Have a weight and ideal body shape certainly much coveted by many people including you, is not it? Here we present some options how potent and rapidly fatten the agency within 1 week

Eat foods that contain lots of calories
The most important thing you can do to gain weight is to eat a lot of calories so it can accumulate in the body. Comparison of calories in the body should be more than the calories burned. At least in a day, You should be consuming fewer calories 7000-10000 calories.

Foods that have high calories and is suitable as a way to fatten of weight loss include:

Bananas (89 Kcal per 100 grams)
Dates (282 Kcal per 100 grams)
Avocado (160 Kcal per 100 grams)
Wine (69 Kcal per 100 grams)
Coconut (354 Kcal per 100 grams)
Mango (156 Kcal per 100 grams)
PEAR (58 Kcal per 100 grams)
Blueberries (38 Kcal per 100 grams)
Raspberry (52 Kcal per 100 grams)
Apple (52 Kcal per 100 grams)

By consuming a meal above regularly in 1 week, could be one way of fattening body in no time for men and women that are effective and worth a try.

Gain weight with milk or foods that contain lots of protein
How to fatten the next body is by eating foods that contain lots of protein. Muscle is made of protein, and protein calories-calories without just going to end up being fat. So, how to fatten the body with milk as a source of animal protein could be that way next. But the need in mind that eating food that contains lots of protein such as a two-edged sword. High-protein food causing food quickly full. This can make your calorie intake is reduced.

If you try to gain the body, eat a 0.71-1 gram of protein per pound or 1.5-2.2 grams of protein per kilogram of your body weight. You can add to it if the calories that get into the body too much.

High-protein food that is suitable as a way to fatten the agency include:

Wheat (16.9 grams)
Rice (7.13 gr)
Spinach (3.6 grams)
Soybeans (36.49 gr)
Green beans (3.04 gr)
Almond (21.22 gr)
Sunflower seeds (20.78 gr)
Peas (r 25)
Potatoes (2 gr)
Broccoli (2.82 gr)
Fish (20-35 grams)
Chicken breast (28 gr)
Young lamb chops (30 gr)
Beef (25-36 gr)
Tuna (29gr)
Eggs (12.6 gr)
Cheese (21 grams)
Milk  (320 gr)
Goat's milk (3.5 grams)

Eat foods that are Fatty, carbohydrate and at least three times a day
If the current deal with food, things to avoid is carbohydrates and fat, it contrasts with those who practice how to fatten the body in no time. Eat foods that are high in carbohydrates and high in fat. This will speed up the process of the big Agency.

Not only is always packed, the other thing that needs to be done to add weight is exercise. Exercising an important factor as to how potent fatten agency as this is to make sure the foods that get into the body into a muscle instead of fat. Do light exercise in advance such as jogging, push-ups, crunches, swimming, cycling and more.

Do not forget after a workout eat protein-rich foods in order to get maximum results.

5. Drinking mineral water at the right time
Drink plenty of water before a meal can make us feel full more quickly. Instead, drink 30 minutes after meal or while eating can improve the absorption of nutrients in the body. The absorption of nutrients is very important as a way to fatten the body naturally.

That's some action to fatten the Agency in a time not too long ago, healthy and natural. Apply all and shun the cause of his difficult fattening body. Hopefully helpful
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