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How Does Vitamin D And Calcium Absorption Mechanism

How does vitamin d and calcium absorption mechanism How does vitamin d and calcium absorption mechanism

Vitamin d and calcium absorption mechanismExtensive research has shown that vitamin D deficiency plays a major role in the development of dozens of diseases, including various cancers, such as breast cancer,prostate cancer and colon cancer, as well as diabetes, heart disease, arthritis, osteoporosis, psoriasis and mental illness.

Magnesium deficiency is an important factor in the results obtained from vitamin d. According to Dr. Carolyn Dean, MD, ND, magnesium expert and Medical Director of the nutritional Magnesium Association nonprofit (, the effectiveness and benefits of vitamin D insects in the absence of adequate levels of magnesium in the body. Magnesium acts with and is very important for the activity of vitamin D, but most Americans don't get the recommended daily allowance (RDA) of this important mineral.

"While many people are starting to realize the tremendous health benefits that vitamin D has to offer in the prevention of disease, they may not get the full benefit of vitamin D without also complement their diet with magnesium, which is an essential nutrient that works synergistically with vitamin D, "said Dr. Dean.

"Adequate levels of magnesium in the body is essential for absorption and metabolism of vitamin D not only calcium but also," Dean of the State. "Magnesium convert vitamin D into the active form so you can help the absorption of calcium.

"Magnesium stimulates certain hormones, kalsitonin, which helps to preserve bone structure and draw calcium out of the blood and soft tissues back to the bone, preventing osteoporosis, some forms of arthritis and kidney stones."

Dr. John Cannell, Executive Director of the nonprofit vitamin D Council, agreed with the findings of Dr. Dean, recognized the importance of magnesium as the nutrients needed for proper vitamin D metabolism, while additional cites several studies that illustrate This thing.

Magnesium research journal published a number of studies with findings as follows:

Magnesium is important for the metabolism of vitamin d.
Magnesium affect the utilization of vitamin D the body by activating enzyme activity provider.
Enzymes are protein molecules that stimulate every chemical reaction in the body.All the enzymes that metabolize vitamin D require magnesium.
Magnesium has a role of vitamin D that may apply on the immune system.

Another study published in the European Journal of Pediatrics stated: "low magnesium has been shown to alter, by way of decreased production, the active form of vitamin D ..."

Several studies related to bone health was published in the Journal of Physiological and Biochemistry in Clinical Nutrition journal points out that magnesium is also required for the beneficial actions of vitamin D on bone.

Since the first pathologists began examining the heart, they realize that there is a connection between the deposition of calcium and heart disease. Vitamin D inhibits the calcium deposits in the arteries, and magnesium convert vitamin D into the active form so as to prevent a buildup of calcium in plaques of cholesterol in the arteries. The combination of magnesium and vitamin D helps prevent clogging of the arteries with draw calcium out of the bones and soft tissues blood back to where it wasneeded to build healthy bone structure.

Dr. Dean concludes, "many studies point to the importance of both nutrients to both the prevention of heart disease and osteoporosis, and the fact that magnesium can be found to increase the effectiveness of vitamin D, makes finding out about how magnesium can improve general health and well-being of the people of the important imperative should not be ignored. "

Vitamin d and calcium absorption mechanism

The Process Of The Formation Of Vitamin D In The Body

The process of the formation of vitamin D in the body will be discussed at this time.Vitamin D not only consumed only through milk and fish or other food. Vitamins need another formation with the help of sunlight. Because the body has actually been there a provitamin D, so that only the necessary process of its creation just to get vitamin d. While on food is merely a complementary course. Not to be met every day also does nothing.

Vitamin D Synthesis Process

Sunlight is indeed good for the body. Mainly to change the provitamin D into vitamin d. sunlight brings a wide variety of rays and radiation. It's just a bright white color that is able to be caught by the eye. If refracted through a Prism can be the colours of the Rainbow. Therefore there is also a Sun-ultraviolet b. Ultraviolet B this will be absorbed by the skin that contain cholesterol. Then the cholesterol that is containing provitamin D and will be converted into vitamin d. by way of exposing the body exposed to the Sun for 5 to 15 minutes. Certainly there is a risk if exposed to sunlight for too long. And it's good exposure to sunlight contains ULTRAVIOLET B is before 9 am special for the formation of vitamin D in the body.

Sun exposure is needed

Exposure to sunlight that your body needs is clear between the hours of 6 am to 9 am. That's the right time for the process. If not it could be e.g., today, it's good after 3 pm. Usually preferred by many people is the sports afternoon. Although alternative still get sunshine, but afternoon air conditions tend to be dirty by motor vehicle smoke. It needs exposure to sunlight can be enough by as much as 4 times a week with a duration of approximately 15 minutes. No more problems of origin not excessive is outside the home. Good about skin color plays a role in the absorption of sun exposure will be discussed next. The most important is to keep out of the Sun for too long but still defend ourselves to sun-exposed in the process of the formation of vitamin D in the body. How about a newborn?

For a newborn, usually in the morning before Sun-bathing at 9. Usually this is done by the hospital. So the sunshine vitamin is capable of triggering the formation of vitamin D for the body. It functions as the process is certainly strengthening bones for children later and prevent the occurrence of problems with the bone. For it for those of you who have children, do not forbid playing outside the House to be exposed to the Sun. But simply limit it only.

The Influence Of The Color Of The Skin Against UV-B Absorption Effectiveness

Ultraviolet light B contains wavelengths throughout the 290 – 320 nanometers. UVB is certainly weaker than UV a. But is believed to be capable of triggering skin cancer and skin burning. But has the liveliness of the most great. Even with clothing color research only, color brightly colored clothing that absorbs UV rays B the lowest compared to the dark-colored clothing. How to influence the color of the skin againstUV-B absorption? As it known vitamin D is indeed formed from skin cells exposed to sunlight. But the Sun also gives a bad impact for those who are exposed too long.UV-B is what can lead to damaged skin. Note also the skin contains the pigment melanin. But vitamin D is not associated with this skin pigment melanin. Dark skin marks the skin contains a lot of melanin pigment applies vice versa. This is the pigment that acts as an antidote to UV-B rays. If the skin a brownish colored especially Asians and dark, it will be spared from the absorption of UV-B  a lot. For a brighter skin it is recommended to use sunscreen to protect your skin from UV-B rays. The absorption of UV-B rays are still good but not in a long period of time. What to do with vitamin D? Naturally dark-skinned Asians are much longer in the Sun to get vitamin D is not a problem compared to those who were bright. So it is advisable to use a sunscreen for those bright-skinned, so UV-B that is absorbed can help the process of the formation of vitamin D without the skin damage due to UV-B radiation it.

Other sources of Vitamin D

Other sources of vitamin D also helps the process of the formation of vitamin D in the body. Why can it be so? Because these food sources are usually has conducted trials of geochemical and created food source synthesis or canned products and packaging so that the consumption of vitamin D in the body can be fulfilled. Like canned fish that are already seasoned. Or bottled milk rather than milk. Because the source of vitamin D derived from natural food very little of his content. Therefore it is sometimes a source of other vitamins such as cheese and yogurt yan

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