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Wellness Tips For The Workplace - The Concentration Is Good And Fresh Bodystate

Wellness tips for the workplace - Although the work piling up, not to make you so do not fit in the workplace. You can do simple things to maintain body condition in order to keep fit .

If the workers are sickly and did not fit, then the company could potentially incur losses. Based on the report of the World Health Organization (WHO), India only potentially losing $237 million in 2015 due to rising heart disease, diabetes, stroke, and cancer because of unhealthy work environment.

The following the simple 7 ways to stay healthy in the workplace such as suggested Dr. U. Kaul, Executive Director of the Escorts Heart Institute and Research Centre, New Delhi, India as quoted from Times of India, Friday:

1. Drink plenty 2 litre a day

Water provides many benefits to the body, both physically and mentally. Water also helps detox and digestive work. So much to drink at least 8 glasses a day, please place bottles of drinking water at your desk. So you can access drinking water easier.

Drinking sufficient amounts of water are also able to reduce stress and provide enough energy throughout the day. To avoid monotony, you can also intersperse the drinking of fresh lemonade, coconut water, and more.

2. The streets for a moment

Look for excuses for yourself to a short break from your work and go for a walk round the Office. Leave the Chair and go for a walk for a moment can keep you focused, reduce fatigue, and make you feel better.

Easy things you can do is never again asked the office boy for making a cup of coffee or tea. From now on make your own drinks for you so that you have a reason to walk around for a moment.

Or you can also take a walk around the Office while talking on your mobile phone.Keep moving until the phone over. The other way is if you ride public transportation or delivery driver, get off a few meters a little farther than you normally do. So, you can move and walk around a little longer.

3. Work out at lunch hour

You can take a 30 minute lunch time to exercise. Perhaps you could propose to the Office where you work for has a simple gym area, so employees can run around, using a momentary static bike or treadmill.

4. A simple Stretch

Stress, people generally feel sore on the back or joint pain. Although he remains in the work table, don't forget to do simple stretching. Do I keep sitting on your seat, and then Flex your foot and ankle circle playback. Stretch your legs and hands as often as you can.

5. Use the stairs

When going up or down from the Office, you should not use the elevator but use the stairs. Because up and down stairs will make you more fit and energetic.

6. Pack a healthy Snack

Snacking while working is okay, as long as that is consumed is a healthy snack. So rather than buying junk food, chips, soda, bring the stock or healthy snack. Granola(a mixture of assorted nuts and cereal that tastes sweet) and fruits could be healthy snacks that will keep you healthy.

7. Follow Games in the Office

Sometimes some workplaces have a sports gaming activities after Office. For example, there is a roll out table tennis, basketball or indoor soccer. In order to remain healthy and fit, you can participate in a variety of games.

If we calculated, most of the time we turned out to be more spent at work. Lucky for You that improvements should be flexible and not always in the Office, but in fact not the bit that should always be in the Office, in front of a computer all day at work. Hmm.. Definitely bored! In addition to the time spent in the Office, unhealthy lifestyles, lack of exercise, and eating fast food often continuously also became the cause of increased health risks and excess weight. If that habit does not immediately change, not just Your body that is not Your job productivity remains awake also will not be maximized. To that end, it is important that maintaining health in the workplace in order to remain productive and can finish the job in the Office well. Not hard really doing good habits to your health. Do this a couple of ways for you to stay healthy in the workplace.

Keep your intake of food and drink
On the morning of our brain requires glucose as energy to meet the brain's metabolism. Breakfast could be one way that you can stay healthy at work. You certainly will be more ready to start the day because the concentration is good and fresh bodyState. Please choose a menu of breakfast and lunch that can meet Your nutritional needs and energy each day. Limit the consumption of caffeine such as tea or coffee glass maximum 1 per day. Drinking enough water to keep concentrated so that it could complete the job faster.

Maintaining the cleanliness of the self and the workplace
Other things that can be done to stay healthy in the workplace is to maintain the cleanliness and neatness Office desk. You can do the cleaning the keyboard a minimum of 1 week. Don't forget to wash your hands before and after eating or doing other activities. Also provide hand Sanitizer or hand sanitizer so that it can be used easily when needed.

Give the body Time to Stretch
Just try occasionally wake up from your Chair and do stretching. Don't be afraid of strange thought by your co-workers. Thus You can be a good example for colleagues to maintain good health in the Office. Do stretch by standing or walking for a bit. This can help the body stay fresh despite working in the Office all day. Set a comfortable position while working to avoid sore wrist or on your back. Position the keyboard and mouse, also you easily accessible and set the distance of your monitor so as not to damage the eyes.

Don't forget to Socialize with people 
This simple but often underestimated. Socializing in the workplace environment is very important to do, you know. By socializing with co-workers you can add new insights, can build connections with others that might be useful for the future and can help each other in case of difficulties in terms of work as well as other things. In addition, the increase in direct face-to-face should also start are observed. If it is still accessible, try to minimalize the use of chat or other indirect communication way. By implementing the fourth way is expected you can better maintain good health in the workplace and remain productive while at the Office. No loss how to transform a good habit. Not only you will feel the benefits, but the people around you can also get the positive impact of what you already do.

So in conclusion, keep on maintaining the balance of the body and always thinking positive wherever we are. Included in our work environment.

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