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How To Keep Brain Healthy And Active

 it is very important to keep your brain active and healthy How to keep brain healthy and active

How to keep brain healthy and activeFoods rich in phosphorus, such as dark brown, it is very important to keep your brain active and healthy. They also help you keep strong the neuron, also improve memory or your memory.

Do you think a diet is one that is most appropriate to keep the brain active and healthy? The truth is that you can never be really sure. Sometimes it's easy to make a mistake in selecting your eating habits.

Poor circulation resulting in blood clotting or hardening of the arteries is, of course, being one of the factors to consider. In today's article, we will discuss this subject and tells you how to keep your brain active and healthy by choosing the right foods with the right nutrients to all parts of the cerebral cortex.

Here is some nutrition to keep our brain stay healthy and active:

1. Magnesium
This is an essential mineral that promotes various metabolic processes of the body and mediate the production of the neurotransmitter and neuron modulator, which in turn helps the brain sends nerve impulses.

Magnesium is an important component to stay active and healthy brain, so it is a good idea to get between 300 to 350 milligrams of it daily. As you know, you can always make up for any deficits by taking supplements that are sold in pharmacies.

Below we will present the various options the foods can also help you get important nutrients:

Sesame seeds.
Whole grains.
Brown rice.
The spinach.

2. Carbohydrates
Carbs are very important to give your body energy. But we've stressed the importance of choosing more healthy carbohydrates – that is, those without added fat and sugar. If not, your choice can easily lead to more losses than benefits.

Your brain takes these elements to regulate many processes, in addition to providing energy. It is interesting to note that because carbs stimulate the body's production of insulin, helps produce essential amino acids such as tryptophan, they can be important for relaxation and stress reduction. And as you know, stress is one of the worst enemies for the brain to stay active and healthy.

What are the types of carbohydrates that you can select:
Whole grains.
Olive oil.

3. Phosphorus
Phosphorus is very important when it comes to maintaining an active and healthy brain. Thank you for these minerals, the cell membrane and the neurons remain strong and resilient, which increases the functionality of memory and synaptic connections.
The relationship between brain health and get adequate levels of phosphorus are supported by a large body of science and research. Various research has revealed the importance of minerals for the production of myelin and many basic cognitive functions.

What foods can help you increase your intake of phosphorus?
Sardines and shellfish.
Dark brown.
Greek yogurt, sugar-free.
Meat and poultry.

4. Vitamin B6 and B12
Did you know that there are two vitamins are very important when it comes to staying active and brain stay healthy? They are vitamins B6 and B12. They help your right brain synthesize serotonin, dopamine, and epinephrine. They also allow for the metabolism of proteins, increase the blood flow to the brain, and strengthen the function of memory or recollection.

This list of foods rich in vitamin B6 and B12?
Egg yolks.
Cattle and sheep.
Trout, tuna, and sardines.

5. Zinc or Zinc
Zinc is a mineral essential to your overall health, not just your brain. This helps care for the skin, speed up wound healing, against cancer, and even protect you from the cold because of the body's natural immune compromised.

You will be interested to know that zinc is an important element for stability and memory cognitive functions. People who suffer from a deficiency of this mineral, for example, often suffer from epilepsy. For this reason, it is important to always have adequate amounts of zinc in your diet. Thanks for that, you can improve the brain function of the hippocampus, the memory increases.

Where can you find high levels of zinc?

Dark brown.
Pumpkin seeds.
Sesame seeds.
Wheat germ or cereal.
The lamb.

In addition to the above, there are also some tips that can be done by all of us to keep the brain become more sharp and healthy of course. Tips are the following:

1. Always use another part of the brain to think
Training your brain function to always incisive in thought. Someone who is more active in the challenge of mental activity has a smaller risk of suffering from Alzheimer's or other brain diseases. Efforts like read a book, go to a lecture or listened to radio news Ciara can try.

2. Try to remember a random moment
Researchers at Duke University did some random ways to restore and balance the function of the brain. This method is called Neurobics, for example using the opposite limb to write. When you write using your right hand, try being left-handed, and vice versa. Looking the other way to depart or return home also work effort that is.

3. The sport to keep skilled
sports which are increased heart rate such as walking, swimming has added value to mental development. Research in the field of health also mentioned, when a physical activity can increase the intake of blood into the brain. The sport also optimizes the working of the nerve cells in the brain.
4. Healthy food as a supplement to the brain
Obese in young age is closely related to the disease of dementia. Similarly, by consuming a meal high in cholesterol will cause high blood pressure which can increase the risk of dementia. How that can be done is to select the food or how to offer it. Like for example, the process by way of baked or grilled, or use oil derived from peanuts or seed grain.

5. Be wary of what you drink
Did you know, when the alcohol have long-term ill effects on the frontal lobe or most important part of a core of useful brain store memory? This damage can even become permanent damage when alcohol is aluminum too much. The amount considered enough for women is one glass a day and two glasses a day for men.

6. Video game sometimes helps retrain brain
Some studies mention, playing video games stimulates parts of the brain that control memory, planning, motion, and fine motor skills. Even so, some experts say, video game just to make You better at the world games only.

7. Music can train the brain
Playing instruments at a young age can provide good long-term effects that can be felt when one is old. Music can enhance the ability in planning it. Music is one way to improve coordination between the brain and the motor nerves in the hands and neck.

8. Make friends for sharing your story
Chatting with others is one way to sharpen your thinking. Chatting you can do anywhere, whether at home, in the workplace environment. Research proves a social activity can boost brain function. So make haste to join social activities by becoming a volunteer or form a community.

9. Cool down
Too much pressure can damage parts of the brain's grey cells that store a lot of nerve to process information. Some of the ways that can be taken to calm the brain, among others by taking a long breath, find something that can make you laugh, listen to music or try to meditate.

10. Sleep
Sleeping enough before and after studying something. With enough sleep will help you to stay focused and not sleepy while listening information to the brain. Bedtime is good for the development of memory in adults is 7-8 hours every night.

In conclusion, we would like to remind you that in addition to all these nutrients will make keeping your brain active and healthy mind keeping needs, doing the things that spark your curiosity, and leading a healthy life is physical. Try to learn something new every day, strengthen your relationships with the people around you, and always keep the optimism and enthusiasm.
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