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Benefits Of Probiotics Weight Loss

Microbiota is considered instrumental in metabolism and energy storage Benefits of probiotics weight loss

Benefits of probiotics weight loss -  Microbiota is considered instrumental in metabolism and energy storage. Although the diet also effects on the intestinal microbiota composition, bacteria were also considered participating in the onset of obesity and diabetes. Study on animals showed differences in the composition of the microbiota associated with the onset of obesity.

Probiotic supplementation is able to provide benefits against weight loss in patients with obesity, this is the conclusion from a study recently conducted by Dr. Sanchez and colleagues published in the British Journal of Nutrition. Studies conducted for 24 this week with a random design, subtle double, with a placebo control trying to evaluate whether the consumption of probiotics can help restore the balance of the intestinal microbiota that can support a healthy weight.

These studies using healthy male and female subjects with overweight (BMI 29-41 kg/m2). This study divided into 2 stages. In phase I (weight loss) that restrictions on eating with or without probiotic supplementation, conducted for 12 weeks. Stage 2 is a period of maintenance of the weight with the supervision of the eating habits of eating without restriction as long as 12 weeks, at this stage of administering a placebo or probiotic supplementation remains given.
The benefits of probiotics for health may already be widely understood. Yes, probiotics contain the whole of the nutrients that help the body to remain healthy. But not only that, a new study published in the British Journal of Nutrition found, probiotics can also lose weight. In the study, researchers at the University of Laval in Quebec origin do an analysis of 125 men and women are obese. They asked participants to do the weight loss diet for 12 weeks, followed by 12 weeks subsequent to the period of maintenance.

Benefits of probiotics weight loss

Participants were then divided into two groups. The first group was asked to drink probiotic pills every day, while other groups were asked to drink a placebo pill. As a result, after 12 weeks, the female participants who drank probiotic pills her weight down on average of about 4.4 pounds. Meanwhile, women who drank the placebo pills only managed to come down on average of about 2.6 kg.

Then, after a 12-week period of maintenance, women who drank the placebo pill can still keep her weight stable, however, the group who drank probiotic stick body lowered her weight, on average about 800 grams. At the end of the study, a group of women who drank probiotic pills also reportedly has a number of obesity fewer bacteria in their digestive system. Unfortunately, the results of the study, the effect of probiotics more significant in women than men.
Researchers believe probiotics help someone lose weight they can lose power due to the permeable of the intestinal wall. As a result, fewer molecules that are associated with obesity, type 2 diabetes, and intolerance glucose to get into the bloodstream.

There are many bacteria that live in our bodies, especially in the digestive organs. Quiet, not all bacteria that exists in our body is evil. However, if there is an imbalance, bacteria-this bad bacteria can cause a number of health problems such as infection in the digestive organs.

Benefits of probiotics weight loss 

That's the role of probiotics in a diet. Basically, the probiotic is a term used in living microorganisms that can give a good effect on health or other organisms or its host. Here, the intake of probiotics as good bacteria can help fight bad bacteria that are present in our body. If it happens to balance healthy bacteria in the body, the various problems the digestive organs could have been avoided. In addition, the balance of healthy bacteria also has an effect on weight loss.

In addition to its effects on the health of the digestive organs, the balance of healthy bacteria can also improve our psychic health. Consuming probiotics could address the persoalan of anxiety, stress, and make a mood for the better. The sensitivity of the body against disease will also be improved.

There is a great selection of food and drink can be consumed through diet dietary probiotic. In General, the food and drinks containing probiotics high food and beverage are fermented. The first type of food containing a lot of probiotics is the product of fermentation of refined dairies such as cheese and yogurt. In addition to containing, probiotics are high, both of which are also a high source of calcium because it is made from milk.

 If you want to combine vegetarian or vegan diet with probiotics, you can still do it because there are many food options-based probiotic-rich vegetables. An example is fermented foods from vegetables such as kimchi or sauerkraut. Both of these vegetables have been processed using a variety of fermented lactic acid bacteria.

In addition to food, probiotics are also widely contained in some beverage fermentation. Some examples are the kombucha tea beverage which is fermentation and kefir beverage, a unique blend of goat's milk with seeds. Some alcoholic beverages such as wine and beer that is the result of fermentation also contain probiotics.

Benefits of probiotics weight loss 

Before you decide to try this diet, keep in mind that not all people can consume high amounts of probiotics. To avoid unwanted reactions, you should always consult a physician first to determine the pattern of eating what fits with your body.

The benefits of Probiotics for health
The benefits of probiotics for health has been widely known, especially the benefits related to the digestive system. Not only that, probiotics also has other surprise benefits, among them:
Boost the immune system
Probiotics are beneficial for improving immune system/immune body. In addition, probiotics are usually utilized to overcome chronic fatigue syndrome and allergies.
Reduce the effects antibiotic
There are two types of microorganisms, namely antibiotics and probiotics. Useful antibiotics to kill bacteria that are harmful to the body, but often antibiotics also kill bacteria that ' friendly ' in the body. So it appears some side effects such as cramping, diarrhea, and often waste a breeze. This is the function of probiotics namely help reduce side effects caused by antibiotics.
To prevent inflammation or inflammation
Probiotics can also be used to prevent and reduce various types of inflammation, one of them as a preventive medicine and inflammation of the intestine. 

Improve the digestive system
Probiotics break down hydrocarbons that can help solve the food into simpler elements so that it is easily digested and absorbed by the body.

Benefits of probiotics weight loss 

Improving the health of the female reproductive tool
Yeast infections and vaginitis, candidiasis is a few issues of femininity can be prevented by consuming probiotics. Thus, probiotics are able to improve the health of the female reproductive tool as a whole as well as help to prevent infection in the vagina.

Improve absorption of nutrients food
Probiotics also turned out to be beneficial in the absorption of all nutrients of food consumed, such as proteins, vitamins, and calcium.

Overcome digestive disorders
Probiotics can help overcome digestive disorders like diarrhea, irritable bowel and constipation.

Reduced lactose intolerant
Probiotics consist of lactic acid bacteria that help in the convert lactose into lactic acid. In people with lactose intolerance, this conversion process becomes slow or stomach system tends to resist the enzyme lactose enters into the body. However, by consuming probiotics, the process will be back to normal so that it can reduce lactose intolerance.
Lose weight and belly fat
Probiotics play a role in the sense of satiety hormones help release. The increase in these hormones can help burn calories and fat. Probiotics can also increase the levels of protein, where ANGPTL4 can lead to fat storage decreases.
Lactobacillus in yogurt can also help lose weight and belly fat. In . Eating yogurt containing Lactobacillus gasseri for 12 weeks can lose weight, visceral fat, body mass index, waist and hips sizes. Belly fat can also drop to 8.5%.
Foods Rich In Probiotics

Benefits of probiotics weight loss

You can get probiotics from fermented foods. Here are a few types of food-rich fermented Probiotics:

Yogurt is fermented milk product with good bacteria, mainly lactic acid bacteria and bfidobacteria. Consuming yoghurt has been linked to many health benefits, including improved bone health and beneficial for patients with high blood pressure.
In children, the yoghurt can help reduce diarrhea caused by antibiotics. It can even help alleviate the symptoms of irritable bowel syndrome. Yogurt is more friendly for sufferers of lactose intolerant because bacteria have changed the lactose into lactic acid.
However, be sure to always read the food labels on yoghurt before purchase it. Choose yogurt are low in sugar content.

Kefir is a fermented milk drink made by adding seed kefir on cow milk or goat. Seed cereal seed is not a kefir, but rather the culture of lactic acid bacteria and yeast are visible such as cauliflower.
The benefits of kefir is also linked to various health problems, such as improving bone health, helps digestive problems, and protecting the body from infection.
The actual kefir is the best probiotic source because it contains good bacteria and yeast making kefir into probiotics and more potential. Kefir is consumed both to sufferers of lactose intolerance.

Sauerkraut is fermented cabbage finely with lactic acid bacteria. In addition as a probiotic, sauerkraut is also rich in fiber, vitamin C, B, and K, as well as the high content of sodium, iron, and manganese. Sauerkraut is also contains the antioxidants lutein and zeaxanthin are important for eye health. But make sure the Sauerkraut you consume unpasteurized milk, because pasteurization kills the bacteria can live.

Benefits of probiotics weight loss 

Kimchi is a Korean fermented foods using cabbage as the main ingredient. Kimchi contains lactic acid bacteria Lactobacillus kimchii, along with other lactic acid bacteria that are beneficial to the digestive health. Kimchi made of cabbage is high in vitamins and minerals, including vitamin K, riboflavin, and iron.

Miso is the Japan traditional food made from soybeans fermented with salt and koji mold. Miso can also be made by mixing soy with other ingredients, such as rice, barley, and rye. Miso is a supply of protein and fiber is good, additionally the high content of vitamins, minerals, phytonutrients, consisting of vitamin okay, manganese, and copper.
studies show that often consume the miso soup can also decrease the hazard of breast cancer in center-elderly girls. different researchers have found that ladies who eat a variety of miso soup had a decreased chance of stroke.

Kombucha tea is a drink fementasi of black or green tea. This tea is fermented by bacteria and yeast colonies so it has health benefits that are associated with probiotics.

Not all cheese contains probiotics although fermented. Therefore it is important to read food labels to find out. Good bacteria can survive on the process of aging in some types of cheeses, including mozzarella, gouda, cheddar, and cottage cheese.
Cheese is a food that is nutritious and a good source of protein. In addition it is also rich in vitamins and minerals, such as calcium, vitamin B12, phosphorus, and selenium. Consuming dairy products, such as cheese can lower the risk of heart disease and osteoporosis.

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